I can’t touch it!

“I can’t touch it! I can’t touch it!” cried my 3 year old.
“What can’t you touch, mate?”
“I can’t touch the sky!”

He was curious, persistent and slightly stressed.  Arms raised and hands waving around, unaware that he was achieving the impossible though he couldn’t see it. 

Where does the sky begin?

How far do we stretch and worry about reaching a seemingly impossible goal?

Could the reality be that it’s already closer than we think,  if not already in reach.  Or that we hold something amazing in our hands? 

Perhaps life’s not what we thought it would be. Perhaps the journey is hard and the sky seems out of reach. 

Don’t neglect what is around you.  The clouds are great,  but the sky is closer than you think. 

Open your hands. 

You can do the impossible. 

You can touch the sky.  

– Ang xx 

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